I got to design a booth for The Tennessee Conservationist. We like reaching out to new readers at events, and I wanted our booth to be bold, colorful, fun, and eye-catching.
 Tennessee State Parks gift shops are a great source of income for the parks, and I love creating designs to be sold as merchandise. Here’s a sticker design.
 Another design for gift shop merchandise. This won first place in the Logo/Illustration category at the Association for Conservation Information Awards, 2023.
 A routine task is writing and designing ads for Tennessee State Parks. This was designed to be inserted into a fairly busy, loud golf magazine. I wanted the photo to really shine, so kept text to a minimum.
 An ad for the Chattanooga Times Free Press.
 I designed this cover of the Parks passport and loved seeing it on social media, where a fan had posted it.
 Here is the comprehensive All Parks brochure, which packs a ton of info into a pretty small space. This won first place for One-time Publication: Brochure at the Association for Conservation Information Awards, 2024.
 A mockup of a gift card envelope.
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